Fun things to do with your dog outside

dog activities outside

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There’s nothing better than spending quality time with your furry companion, especially when you’re enjoying the great outdoors together.

From hiking on picturesque trails to splashing around at dog-friendly beaches, there are countless fun and exciting activities to do outside with your dog – no matter the season or location!

In this blog post, we’ll share 20 fantastic outdoor ideas that will not only keep your pup entertained but also provide both of you with exercisestress relief, and a stronger bond.

Physical And Mental Activities For Dogs Outside

Playing fetch is a classic activity that never gets old for dogs, and it’s an excellent way to exercise their bodies and minds.

Playing Fetch

Playing fetch is a classic outdoor activity that provides ample exercise and mental stimulation for your dog while also strengthening the bond between you both. This fun, interactive game allows dogs of all breeds and sizes to burn off excess energy while working on their natural instincts to chase and retrieve objects.

To play fetch effectively, choose a suitable toy such as a ball, frisbee or specially designed dog-fetch toy – this will ensure your pet’s safety and enjoyment during the game.

Make sure you begin at an appropriate distance for your dog’s fitness level; start closer if they are new to the game or recovering from injury before gradually increasing the distance over time.

Going For A Hike

One of the best things you can do with your furry friend is to hit the trails and go for a hike. Not only will it give both of you an opportunity to get some exercise, but it’s also a great way to bond and explore new terrain together.

Before embarking on any hiking adventure, make sure your dog is fit enough for the trail and check if there are any specific rules or regulations in place such as leash requirements or restricted areas.

To make the experience more enjoyable, bring along water and snacks for yourself and your pup. Also, don’t forget about safety precautions like tick prevention medication or booties to keep your paws safe from rough terrain.


Swimming is a fun and refreshing activity for dogs, especially during the hot summer months. It’s also a low-impact exercise that’s easy on their joints.

Whether it’s in a pool or at the beach, swimming allows your dog to stay cool while providing an excellent workout. In addition to physical benefits, swimming can also help relieve stress and anxiety in dogs.

To ensure your dog’s safety while swimming, it’s important to always supervise them and provide appropriate safety gear if needed. You should also gradually introduce your dog to water if they haven’t swum before and make sure they’re comfortable before letting them swim freely.

Agility Training

Agility training is a great way to keep your dog physically and mentally fit. This activity involves guiding your dog through an obstacle course, which typically includes jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and other challenges.

Not only does agility training provide exercise, but it also helps improve your dog’s coordination, balance, focus, and confidence.

Plus, it’s a fun challenge for both you and your furry friend! There are often local clubs or classes where you can learn the basics of agility training with guidance from experienced trainers.


Running and walking are fantastic outdoor activities to do with your furry friend. Not only does it provide exercise for both you and your dog, but it also allows them to explore their surroundings while spending quality time with you.

Whether it’s a leisurely walk around the neighborhood or a brisk jog through the park, dogs love spending time outside by your side. It’s important to keep in mind that different breeds have varying energy levels, so be sure to adjust the length and intensity of your walks according to your dog’s needs.

Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are a great way to engage your dog’s mind and provide mental stimulation. These types of games can range from simple treat-dispensing toys to more complex puzzles that require problem-solving skills.

You can find puzzle toys at most pet stores or online retailers, or you can even make your own with items you have around the house. One popular option is the Kong toy, which can be filled with peanut butter or other treats and then frozen for added difficulty.

Another fun puzzle game is the “shell game,” where you hide a treat under one of three cups and encourage your dog to guess which one it’s under.

Incorporating puzzle games into your outdoor activities with your dog adds an extra level of excitement and challenge. For example, hiding treats along a hiking trail for them to search out keeps them entertained while providing exercise at the same time.

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are a fun way to keep your dog mentally stimulated and active outdoors. Dogs love to use their sharp sense of smell and explore their surroundings, making scavenger hunts the perfect activity for them.

You can hide treats or toys in your backyard, at a park, or on a hiking trail and create clues to help your furry friend find them.

Did you know that dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses compared to humans who only have approximately six million? This makes scavenger hunts an excellent mental exercise for their keen sense of smell.

To make it more challenging, you can set up different levels of difficulty and vary where you place the hidden items. Scavenger hunts are highly adaptable so regardless of where you live or what resources are available nearby; this activity is easy enough for any pup owner.


Training your dog outside can be a great way to bond and improve their behavior. You can teach them basic commands like sit, stay, and come or work on more advanced training like agility or obedience competitions.

The outdoors provides the perfect setting for training exercises as there are plenty of distractions to keep your dog engaged and focused.

You can even make it into a game by incorporating interactive toys and treats. For example, you can use tug toys to teach your dog how to release on command or hide treats around the backyard for them to find while practicing their “search” command.

Nose Work

Nose work is an activity that taps into a dog’s natural ability to sniff out scents. It can be done anywhere, from your backyard to a park. and it’s a great way to mentally challenge your pup while also keeping him physically active.

You can start by hiding treats around the house or yard and encouraging your dog to find them using his nose. As he becomes more confident with this game, you can introduce new scents for him to seek out, like essential oils or specific herbs.

Many cities now offer nose work classes where dogs learn how to identify different scents in a fun and engaging way. This activity can improve the bond between you and your furry friend while providing mental stimulation that keeps them healthy and happy.

Teach New Tricks

Teaching your furry friend new tricks is not only a fun way for you and your pup to bond but also provides mental stimulation for them. Start with simple commands like “sit,” “stay,” or “come.” Once they have mastered these basic commands, move on to more advanced tricks like rolling over or playing dead.

You can even teach them how to jump through hoops or weave through obstacles in an agility course.

In addition to improving their obedience skills, teaching dogs new tricks has numerous benefits for their overall well-being.

According to studies, learning new tasks can stimulate a dog’s brain and help improve its memory skills. It also helps boost confidence and self-esteem in pups who may be shy or timid around others.

Social Activities For Dogs Outdoors

There’s no better way to socialize your dog than by visiting the dog park, organizing playdates, joining a dog-friendly group, attending dog-friendly events, or volunteering at animal shelters.

Visiting The Dog Park

Visiting the dog park is a great way to socialize with your furry friend. It provides an opportunity for them to meet and play with other dogs, which can help improve their social skills and behavior around other pets.

When visiting the dog park, it’s important to make sure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations and well-trained in basic commands such as “come” and “stay”.

You should also keep an eye on your pet at all times while they play. Providing toys or balls can be a good distraction for them while teaching them how to share appropriately with other dogs.

Organizing Playdates

Organizing playdates with other dogs can be a great way to socialize your furry friend and provide an opportunity for exercise and fun. You can invite your dog’s friends over to your backyard, or meet up at a local dog park.

It’s important to make sure the dogs are properly introduced and get along before letting them play together. You may also want to bring toys, treats, and water for the pups.

Dog playdates can also be a chance for you to connect with other pet owners and potentially form lasting friendships.

Joining A Dog-friendly Group

Joining a dog-friendly group is a great way to socialize your dog and meet other pet owners who share similar interests. These groups can take many forms, from local clubs that organize hiking trips or training classes, to online communities that connect you with like-minded individuals across the country.

For instance, some groups organize regular activities such as picnics or playdates where dogs are allowed off-leash in designated areas. Others may have educational seminars on topics such as nutrition or first aid for pets.

Some groups even hold events like charity walks and run that benefit animal shelters and rescue organizations.

Dog-friendly Events

One great way to get your dog out and socialize is by attending dog-friendly events. These can range from local fairs and festivals that allow dogs, to specific events designed for furry friends like dog runs or yappy hours at bars.

Some cities even host specific parades or gatherings just for dogs! Not only are these events a fun way to spend time with your pup, but they can also help socialize them around other dogs and people.

Plus, it’s a chance for you to meet other pet owners and potentially make some new friends as well.

For example, there might be an annual “Bark in the Park” festival near you where you and your pooch can enjoy live music, vendor booths selling treats and toys, food trucks serving up specialty pup cups of ice cream – all while surrounded by hundreds of happy pups frolicking in the sun!

Or maybe there’s a weekly farmer’s market that welcomes leashed pets where you can stroll through rows of fresh produce alongside Fido.

Volunteering At Animal Shelters

Volunteering at an animal shelter is a great way to spend time with dogs while also giving back to your community. You can help by walking and playing with the dogs. assisting during adoption events, or even fostering animals in need.

Not only will you be providing care for the pups, but you’ll also get to know them and their unique personalities. Who knows, you might even find your next furry family member!

Additionally, volunteering at shelters can be a great opportunity for socialization and training for both you and your own dog.

Fun Outdoor Activities To Do With Your Dog

Participate in flyball, take a pet-friendly vacation, go on a picnic, and explore nature trails with your furry friend.

Play In The Sprinkler

Playing in the sprinkler can be a fun and refreshing activity for both you and your furry friend during hot summer days. Not only does it provide a chance to cool off, but it also allows your dog to exercise and have fun at the same time.

To make it even more enjoyable, consider getting some special dog-friendly sprinklers that spray water in interesting patterns or heights. You can also bring out some toys for your dog to chase while running through the water.

Spending time outdoors with your dog has numerous benefits, including improved mental healthstress reliefbonding, and exercise.

Playing in the sprinkler is just one of many activities that you can do with your pup to achieve these benefits. Additionally, by engaging in this type of physical activity together, you’ll help improve their overall fitness level as well as reduce any anxiety they may have about being outside.

Participate In Flyball

Flyball is a fun and stimulating outdoor activity that you can participate in with your dog. This high-energy sport involves a relay race where dogs jump over hurdles, retrieve a ball from a box, and return it to their handlers as quickly as possible.

The team with the fastest time wins! Flyball provides great exercise for both you and your pup while also strengthening your bond through teamwork. It’s also a great way to socialize your dog with other pups and their owners who share similar interests.

Take A Pet-friendly Vacation

Vacations are always fun, but even more so when you can bring your furry friend along. Taking a pet-friendly vacation is a great way to bond with your dog while exploring new places and experiences.

Many hotels and rental properties now offer pet-friendly accommodations, so look for options that fit your budget and preferences. If you’re looking for outdoor adventures, consider camping or hiking in a national park where dogs are allowed on designated trails.

Some beaches also allow dogs during specific times of the year, which can be an excellent opportunity for some seaside fun with your pup.

Go On A Picnic

Going on a picnic with your furry friend is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and spend some quality time together. Not only do you get to enjoy delicious food in scenic surroundings, but your dog will also have plenty of space to roam around and play.

Pack some snacks for both you and your pup – like treats and water – as well as toys for them to play with.

Did you know that there are many dog-friendly parks that offer picnic facilities? And if you’re feeling adventurous, hiking trails nearby may lead up to perfect spots for picnics with majestic views of nature’s wonders.

Make sure you pack everything securely so nothing gets lost during transportation from home to the trailhead.

Explore Nature Trails

Explore nature trails with your furry companion for a scenic and exhilarating adventure. Enjoy the fresh air, beautiful scenery, and exercise as you hike through mountains, forests, or beaches.

Dogs love to explore new environments and sniff out all kinds of smells.

To make sure your dog is ready for this adventure, start by taking short walks around the block before gradually increasing distance and difficulty levels. Ensure that your pet is wearing proper identification tags in case they wander off during exploring areas without a leash.

Always pack plenty of water for both you and your dog because it’s easy to become dehydrated while hiking outdoors.

Have A Dog-friendly Barbeque

dog-friendly barbecue can be a fun and tasty way to spend time with your furry friend in the great outdoors. To ensure that your dog is safe, make sure to have plenty of water and shade available for him.

You may also want to limit his intake of human food, as some common barbecue foods like onions and garlic can be toxic to dogs. Instead, consider grilling up some healthy and dog-friendly options like chicken or fish.

In addition to enjoying delicious food together, having a barbeque with your dog can also provide opportunities for training and socialization. Practice commands like “sit” and “stay” while passing out treats or playing games like fetch or tug-of-war.

Hosting a BBQ playdate with other friendly dogs can also help build valuable social skills for your pup while giving you a chance to catch up with fellow pet owners.

Play Fetch

Playing fetch with your furry friend is an excellent outdoor activity that provides tons of exercise and entertainment. It’s a simple game, but it has many benefits for you and your pup.

Not only does it provide physical stimulation, but it also helps train your dog to focus on the task at hand.

Playing fetch goes beyond just throwing a ball back and forth; it can also be turned into a fun training opportunity. By incorporating basic obedience commands like “sit” and “stay,” you can reinforce positive behavior while giving your dog plenty of playtimes.

Keep in mind that not all dogs enjoy playing fetch or have the natural instinct to retrieve objects, so observe how they respond before making this their go-to pastime.

Go Camping

Camping can be a great way to spend quality time with your furry friend and bond over the great outdoors. You can bring along your dog’s favorite toys and bedding, as well as plenty of food and water.

While on your camping trip, you can take long walks in nature, go for a swim together, or simply relax by the campfire. However, it’s important to ensure that your dog is properly trained and socialized before embarking on a camping adventure.

You should also make sure to keep him protected from ticks and other pests, by using tick-repellent products or keeping him indoors during peak pest season.

Additionally, always follow park rules when bringing your dog along on any trails or outdoor activities.

In addition to physical activities like walking and swimming, camping provides an opportunity for bonding between human companionship; preparatory actions include training dogs before going out; keeping pets safe through protection from ticks

Creating A Dog-Friendly Backyard

Make sure the landscaping is safe; include fun outdoor toys and water activities for your dog; create a puppy playground by setting up an agility course, installing a doggy pool or fountain, and building a digging box.

Making Sure The Landscaping Is Safe

Before you let your dog loose in the backyard, it’s important to make sure that the landscaping is safe for them. This includes removing any toxic plants, sharp objects or debris that could be harmful to your furry friend.

For example, you can install a gravel path or rock garden for their paws instead of grassy patches if they are known to dig up the grass. Additionally, having shady spots and water sources like fountains is great for keeping them cool on hot days.

By taking these safety measures, you’ll ensure that your pup is happy and safe while enjoying all the outdoor activities together.

Adding Fun Outdoor Toys

When you’re spending time outdoors with your furry friend, having fun outdoor toys can keep them occupied and happy. Simple items like frisbees, balls, and rope toys are always classic favorites for dogs.

Interactive dog toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing balls require dogs to use their cognitive skills to figure out how to access the reward inside.

Tug-of-war ropes and lines of tubing make great chew toys that provide a satisfying amount of resistance without being too hard on teeth.

Overall, incorporating a variety of different toy types into outdoor playtime will help keep things fresh and exciting for both you and your pet while keeping them physically active and mentally stimulated.

Including Water Activities

Water activities can be a great way to keep your dog cool and entertained during hot summer days. Swimming is an obvious choice, but you can also try other water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding or even surfing with your furry friend.

If you don’t have access to a lake or the ocean, consider setting up a sprinkler in your backyard for some splashy fun.

In addition to being refreshing and fun, water activities provide numerous health benefits for dogs. Swimming is a great exercise that works their muscles without putting pressure on their joints, making it ideal for older dogs or those with arthritis.

Water playtime can also help improve overall cardiovascular fitness and stimulate circulation while reducing stress levels in both dogs and humans alike.

Creating A Puppy Playground

One of the best ways to provide your furry friend with a fun and safe environment is by creating a puppy playground in your backyard. You can start by making sure that the landscape of your backyard is safe for your dog and then add some interactive toys like tunnels, balls, and obstacle courses.

You can also include some water activities such as sprinklers or a small pool to help cool off on hot days. Additionally, you might want to consider installing an agility course so that you can train your pup’s mind while working out his body.

Setting Up An Agility Course

Creating an agility course in your backyard is a great way to challenge your dog’s physical abilities and mental focus.

You can set up various obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and hurdles for your dog to navigate through. You can either purchase pre-made agility equipment or make some of the obstacles yourself using materials like PVC pipes, tires, and cones.

Keep in mind that safety should always come first when setting up an agility course – make sure all equipment is secure and sturdy before allowing your dog to use it.

Installing A Doggy Pool

Installing a doggy pool can be an excellent way to provide your furry best friend with a fun and safe place to cool off on hot summer days. A well-designed dog pool should be shallow enough for easy access, have smooth edges that won’t scratch or hurt your pup, and include non-slip surfaces to prevent any mishaps.

Not only does swimming help dogs beat the heat, but it also provides them with an excellent low-impact workout that’s both beneficial for their physical health and mental well-being.

Swimming can help relieve stress, soothe sore joints, and improve muscle tone; it is also great for overweight pets looking to shed some pounds. To ensure maximum safety while using a doggy pool, never leave your pet unattended, and always supervise him carefully during playtime in or around the water.

Making Use Of A Dog Fountain

dog fountain is a great addition to your backyard, providing a source of fresh water for your furry friend while also encouraging him to stay hydrated.

These fountains typically come with a built-in filtration system that removes impurities and keeps the water clean, making it safe for dogs to drink from. They’re also available in different sizes and designs to fit your specific needs.

Not only does this help maintain good health but it’s also an enjoyable activity for dogs who love playing in the stream of falling water.

Building A Digging Box

Building a digging box for your dog is another great way to provide some outdoor entertainment. Dogs, especially those with high energy levels, love to dig and explore new scents and textures.

A digging box can be made easily from a wooden frame filled with soil or sand. You can bury toys or treats in the soil for your dog to find, or simply let him enjoy digging as much as he wants.

To make the digging experience more rewarding, you may consider adding different obstacles like buried bones or wood chip tunnels to make it even more challenging and fun.


In conclusion, spending time outside with your furry friend can be a great way to bond and enjoy the beauty of nature. From physical activities like hiking and swimming to mental stimulation games, there are plenty of fun things you can do with your dog outdoors.

Additionally, creating a dog-friendly backyard can provide endless opportunities for playtime and exercise right at home.


1. What are some fun activities I can do with my dog outdoors?

There are many fun things you can do with your dog outside, such as playing fetch, going for a hike, swimming in a lake or river, trying out agility courses or simply enjoying a picnic together.

2. How do I ensure my dog’s safety while doing outdoor activities?

Make sure to always keep an eye on your pet and have proper gear such as leashes, harnesses and life jackets if needed. Also, be aware of potential hazards like poisonous plants or dangerous wildlife that could harm your furry friend.

3. Can dogs participate in outdoor sports like frisbee or kayaking?

Yes! Many dogs love participating in sports like frisbee and kayaking. Just make sure to start slowly and introduce new activities gradually so that your pet has time to build up their strength and endurance.

4. How can I encourage my older dog to still enjoy the outdoors?

If your aging pup is still active enough for light exercise but might require extra care when going outside – accessibility options may help (i.e., ramps instead of stairs). Additionally providing adequate rest areas & water nearby can assist with making outings more comfortable without being too strenuous on joints etc.. Lastly – keeping vet appointments up-to-date ensures pets stay healthy throughout this phase of life as well!

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